This week the Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM) launched its Nurse Associate Pathway, offering aesthetic nurses an internationally recognised and independent qualification.

The Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM) offers three fellowship pathways, open to medical practitioners who wish to upgrade their education and consolidate their skills. ACAM has consolidated its training for aesthetic nurses, and had developed a robust aesthetic Nurse Associate Pathway. Dr Caswell, President of ACAM, believes one of the functions of a college is to provide access for its members to be best education available. Adult postgraduate learning is often a task that fits around work and home commitments, and she is keen that all candidates access quality education that provides meaningful knowledge.

In an exciting partnership Dr Caswell, has praised Dr Andrew Clark, ACAM’s Censor in Chief, for his diligent review and recommendation of the University of South Wales (USW) online teaching. The University of South Wales was established in 2013 following the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport. USW offers the Postgraduate Certificate of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine, which completes the academic training needs for the ACAM Nurse Associate Pathway.

This pathway aims to provide nurses with an internationally recognised and independent university qualification, which contributes to their ACAM Nurse Associate status with ACAM. The course provides interested nurses with a flexible and achievable study format and a worldwide recognised qualification. ACAM nursing members who enrol in the USW postgraduate certificate in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine enjoy discounted fees negotiated by ACAM. To review this course:

Dr Caswell stated that ACAM’s partnerships with internationally recognised tertiary institutions has been warmly welcomed, members have shown a real interest in ACAM’s educational model. Dr Caswell explained that ACAM has a strong commitment to increasing the practical, ethical and academic content within the scope of aesthetic medicine practice, whilst providing access to externally validated standards and knowledge. To her knowledge, Dr Caswell stated, the Fellowship and ACAM Nurse Associate programs offered by ACAM are unique with regards to their tertiary educational choices, focus on ethics in medicine and robust holistic training.

Dr Clark advises that interest in ACAM’s modern approach to education has been strong, and no doubt helped by its online and interactive delivery of short courses and workshops, developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. At this stage there is no limit imposed on the number of candidate enrolments, as the college wishes to provide the educational opportunities to all who wish to complete them.

For further information on ACAM’s fellowship pathways visit:

About ACAM

The Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM) is a membership of Medical Practitioners trained to high professional standards, whose objective is to serve the community by providing high quality care.

ACAM was formed in May 2014, when it merged with the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Medicine (ASCM).  ACAM is committed to establishing and maintaining a high standard of practice through training opportunities and continued professional development.

The ACAM mission is to provide leadership and support to advance quality clinical, educational and professional standards in Aesthetic Medicine.

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