Advanced Skin Technology’s clinic case study for the successful integration of dermal therapy treatment for passive income.
Patients can benefit hugely from the integration of a non-surgical rejuvenation program offered by qualified clinicians performing these dermal therapy treatments under the supervision and support of a Medical Practitioner.
Case study:Clinic: The Canberra Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (CAPS) Clinic, Canberra |
For a cosmetic medical practice to successfully integrate dermal therapy treatments
into its clinic, it needs to follow the above mantra. Let’s have a look at its keywords more closely:
Great results stem from a good foundation. At CAPS, all non- surgical skin rejuvenation as well as the correction of skin disorders starts and ends with a tailored medical grade skincare program. We know from experience that a well prepared and supported skin will allow the patient to achieve the best possible treatment and surgical outcomes while also maintaining the end results long term. At CAPS we use several skincare ranges from Advanced Skin Technology to ensure we meet all our patients’ specific needs:
ASPECT DRÂ The team behind Aspect Dr develops close working relationships with key medical professionals in order to support the growth of this outstanding range of actives which includes in-clinic peels. The comprehensive Aspect Dr range of products is formulated with the highest concentrations of pure naturally-derived botanicals and cosmeceutical correctives. Aspect Dr is formulated with certified organic non-genetically modified ingredients wherever possible.
COSMEDIXÂ This skincare line is dedicated to using the most natural, effective ingredients in the market place today and does not use preservatives, ingredients associated with animal or animal testing, artificial colours or synthetic fragrances. Only essential oils or ingredients that test high on the irritancy scales are used. The home maintenance range is suitable for all skin types from oily to the most sensitive and delivers outstanding clinical results.
SKINMEDICA A well-known cosmeceutical brand that has invested extraordinary clinical resources to researching and producing advanced clinical skin care products for ultimate anti- ageing skin rejuvenation. Skin is capable of regenerating, healing and growing cells and SkinMedica believes that the main element is growth factors. Growth factors play an integral role in skin’s natural ability to repair damage and are key anti-ageing actives in skin rejuvenation.
Qualified Clinicians
Dr Taylor is passionate about qualifications and education. His non-surgical team consists only of Dermal Clinicians (hold a Bachelor of Health Science – Dermal Therapies) providing the dermal therapy treatments and Registered Nurses providing wrinkle-reducing injectables to ensure his patients are provided with the most professional service and advice.
Supervision and support of medical practitioner
Leading edge skincare containing high concentrations of active ingredients can be just as detrimental on the skin as they can effective. Having the support of a Medical Practitioner in the clinic ensures the risks to patients are reduced whilst ensuring a safe and cost effective result for the patient.
All surgical patients are offered a free skin analysis from our Dermal Clinicians. A tailored skin care program can not only enhance the results achieved from surgery but also maintain them.
From a business perspective this is a win – win for both the patient and clinic. The patient will receive a better surgical outcome and love the fact you are providing the on-going care to them. The clinic not only receives the extra income but also is rewarded with a loyal patient who will remain in the clinic for years to come.
The real benefit of being able to provide both a surgical and non-surgical solution to patients is choice. Many patients who come to CAPS for facial rejuvenation are not really suitable for surgery but can benefit greatly from active skin The clinic noT only receives The extra income but also is rewarded wiTh a loyal patient who will remain in the clinic for years to come.
care and the advice and guidance provided by the Dermal Clinicians. In the same respect, those patients who present wanting non-surgical rejuvenation that are really candidates for surgery are given honest and realistic advice that non- surgical options may not provide the outcomes (20-30% improvement) but could achieve up to a 70-80% improvement with surgery or even more with a combination of both.
The key is the right professionals delivering holistic and comprehensive advice and assessment, backed up by proven products and equipment. AMP