fade your hyperpigmentation with melanopro peel system

Ulthera non-invasive skin tightening

Merz Aesthetics is now distributing Ulthera, an effective technology for non-surgical skin lifting. It was conceived in the laboratory labyrinth of Harvard Medical School, in...

Pastelle – rewriting Q-switched technology

Pastelle has set the new standard in Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser technology. With its outstanding results, modern design and reliable technology, the Pastelle is currently rewriting...

enCurve – the gentle way to destroy fat

enCurve is the easy, comfortable way to deliver circumferential reduction of the abdomen and flanks. enCurve is a new generation of intelligent adipocyte-targeting systems to...

Lynton: The UK’s No 1 IPL and laser manufacturer

Take your business to the next level with Lynton, a range of advanced plug-and-play IPL, laser and RF technologies offering the most in-demand skin...

Why your patients want and need Microneedling

Skin needling is celebrating worldwide popularity for good reason: it’s fast, effective, affordable and has limited downtime. When Angelina Jolie espouses the benefits of microneedling,...

Rejuvenation…it’s not just about the face!

How MonaLisa Touch, a fractional CO2 laser treatment for vaginal atrophy, can give your practice the competitive advantage. To date, cosmetic clinics have primarily been...

The Next Generation of Skin Needling

Dermastamp is the latest generation of the Dermaroller microneedling device, taking the popular procedure to the next level.  Following in the footsteps of the success...

PicoSure – expanding its leadership position in skin revitilisation

With its innovative focus lens array handpiece, PicoSure delivers clinical efficacy and proven performance for melasma, pigmentation and scarring. A versatile and customisable treatment, the...

Lasemd – a total skincare solution

Lasemd is reinventing treatment of the skin, offering a cosmeceutical delivery system within a fractional laser platform. Lasemd is a new way to smooth wrinkles,...

3D Biomatrix Facelift

Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an ideal bio-accelerator and cellular coordinator for tissue repair. However, PRP on its own can be limited in the...