Consensus guidelines for safe reopening after COVID-19

The reopening of society is likely to happen slowly and in a phased manner while keeping a focus on the strict infection control measures...

Successful practice managers keep up to date with AAPM

Is your practice manager a member of the Australian Association of Practice Management? Your practice requires skilled management. Private healthcare practice in Australia has evolved...

The Invisible Generation

Are people over 50 digging themselves into a proverbial early grave? Age-old stereotypes and self-perceptions can have a crippling effect on self-esteem, creativity and...

Social Media Research Results

Various international studies demonstrate the potential negative effects social media can have on the perception of self. SOCIAL MEDIA INCREASES LONELINESS US psychologist Melissa Hunt believes...

The modern art form of the aesthetic surgery clinic

Interior design plays a major role in not only reflecting your expertise and brand but also improving your patient retention rate and overall patient...

Recent cancer research breakthroughs

VARIOUS STUDIES SHOW NEW TREATMENTS FOR CANCERS MAY SOON BE ON THE RADAR. The current most common types of cancer treatment are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, tumour...

Keep Your Winning Team Motivated to Stay

As a business owner, practice manager or sales team leader, you know only too well that a good employee is hard to find. And...

Get the competitive advantage with The Gaswerx

Make sure your brand impacts customers in a positive, tangible and lasting way. The way a brand positions itself in the marketplace will affect its...

Overview of BIA-ALCL

Chairman of the ACCS BIA-ALCL Safety Committee Dr Daniel Fleming puts forward the College’s view on BIA-ALCL and the risks of promoting research findings...

Administering Cosmetic Treatments & Cosmetic Procedures

The following document was prepared by the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery (ACCS) and The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) regarding the role of...