fade your hyperpigmentation with melanopro peel system

The Lipstick Effect:

Earlier this year the media warned that the many residual impacts of the pandemic could eventually hit our vanity cupboards, and it appears that...

Name change for specialist medical finance company

ProLending changes its name to Medpro Finance, reflecting its transition from broker to specialist lender for medical professionals. With ProLending’s name change to Medpro Finance...
Taking Care of Business

Taking Care of Business

The aesthetics landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving. Strategic business adviser Hanya Oversby provides an insight into what is currently happening in the business...
The great realignment

The Great Realignment

Predictions by economic leaders all point to the phenomenon known as the great resignation hitting Australian workplaces around march 2022. Smart Aussie leaders are...

How to prevent patient drop out

Keep your patients coming back by avoiding two major pitfalls in your practice. A successful cosmetic practice holds onto its clients – and for good...

Thrust Into Leadership

One of the greatest challenges faced by doctors becoming medical business owners is identifying where they fit within their own organisation. Going into private practice,...

Setting up a smart clinic

The automated future is already here, and although it may not be everything that was depicted in the Matrix, today’s smart technology can automate...

Are you charging your worth?

In a competitive world, it is sometimes difficult not to give in to discounting. but it’s better to know your worth and charge accordingly. A...
Do you have a viable business?

Is your clinic a viable business?

Ricky Allen talks exit planning and how to position your practice into a saleable, profitable business when it’s time to retire. After reading the heading,...

Is your clinic staff under stress from the impact of COVID-19?

Taking action to promote a mentally healthy workplace and ensuring your staff are emotionally supported have never been more vital. In the hit US sitcom...