The Natrelle collection presents all the implant options you need and want for your breast augmentation and reconstruction patients.
Natrelle implants from Allergan afford lasting shape, high satisfaction and minimal risk of complication to breast augmentation patients. The range is the result of 25 years of experience and development and is at the forefront of today’s advanced breast surgery technology.
The Natrelle range available in Australia offers a selection of smooth and textured gel implants in both round and teardrop shapes. The extensive variety of breast width, projection and volume options helps in tailoring surgery to suit your patients’ needs, expectations and existing anatomy.
The Natrelle anatomical implant was listed as the number one selected shaped implant in the US, based on market share data in March 2014.
All Allergan gel-filled breast implants have a patented Intrashiel® Barrier Technology. This barrier in the shell reduces shell permeability and minimises gel diffusion or gel bleed.
One European Study, referred to as the International MRI Study, examined silent rupture data on 77 augmentation, 11 reconstruction and 18 revision patients implanted with smooth and textured natrelle implants. The average age of implant was 11 years and the study found silent rupture in approximately 15 per cent of the combined group of augmentation, reconstruction and revision patients and eight per cent of the implants.
A core study conducted by Allergan, published in 2009, looked into the safety and effectiveness of Natrelle implants. The study enrolled 455 breast augmentation patients, most of whom were treated with smooth, gel-filled implants. Patient satisfaction was based on a five- point scale assessment and tested at seven-years post-operation. Of the original 455 patients, 317 (70 per cent) underwent satisfaction testing. In this group, 95 per cent of patients indicated they were satisfied with their breast implants after seven years.
A similar study, published in 2014, was conducted using anatomically shaped, silicone filled natrelle breast implants. Of the original 492 patients, 292 provided a satisfaction at 10 years after implantation. Of these, 89.0 per cent indicated they were definitely satisfied with their breast implants at a decade post- procedure. AMP
1- Natrelle style 410 form-stable silicone breast implants: core study results at six years,
For more information contact Allergan on 02 9498 0100 or visit
Reduced rate of Capsular ContractureNatrelle implants are designed with Biocell macrotextured surface – featuring open- pore texturisation and variable distribution of depressions on the surface. The textured surface helps counter the risk of malposition and rippling, and also reduces the risk of capsular contracture. Research by Maxwell et al1 looked into the safety and effectiveness of Natrelle implants over six years. The prospective multicenter study involved 941 patients: 492 primary augmentations, 156 revisions, 255 primary reconstructions and 68 revision- reconstructions. They found a six-year capsular contracture risk rate of 4.6 per cent for augmentation, 6.8 per cent for revision-augmentation, 10.7 percent for reconstruction and 18.3 per cent for revision- reconstruction. “The rates for capsular contracture among augmentations and revision augmentations were significantly lower with the Natrelle 410 implants than with other surgical gel implants,” the report states. “The satisfaction rate [measured on a five-point scale] exceeded 80 per cent in all cohorts.” |
Shape that holdsThe Natrelle Collection incorporates three types of silicone gel filling, plus a dual gel for extra firmness. The highly cohesive gel is designed to prevent downward migration and maintain upper pole fill and shape over time. TruForm 1 TruForm 2 TruForm 3 TruForm |
410 SHAPED GELNatrelle® 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implants • Designed to deliver an anatomical shape |
ROUND GELNatrelle® Silicone-Filled Breast Implants |