fade your hyperpigmentation with melanopro peel system

Complete facial rejuvenation with Total Face Approach

Offer your patients superior results in facial rejuvenation with the most advanced digital treatment plan. Holistic, natural-looking results are essential to achieving optimal patient satisfaction...

Long lasting soft volume filler

Aquamid is a soft volume filler with results that last. Aquamid’s key point of difference is its composition. In fact, Aquamid is composed almost entirely...
Double chin treatment

Meet the new non-surgical treatment to reduce double chins

Allergan has recently launched in Australia and is garnering a significant response as the first-of-its-kind treatment for targeting submental fat. The only non-surgical treatment for...

A rethink on biostimulation

Ellansé® is a tailor-made bioresorbable collagen stimulator showcasing predictable, controlled results with a high safety profile. It is the science and technology behind the Ellansé...

New study shows Xeomin statistically equivalent to Botox

Talking to plastic surgeons, cosmetic doctors and other allied medical professionals in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney in February, New York plastic surgeon Dr Michael...

Botulinum Toxin manufacturing – behind the scenes

Queensland plastic surgeon and Vice President of the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Dr Mark Magnusson recently embarked on a trip to Ireland...

miraDry – the sweat stops here

MiraDry is the permanent, non-invasive and no-downtime solution to underarm sweating, trailblazing the market with high patient satisfaction. Excessive sweat can often be an embarrassing,...

Regen Lab Publications

Publications of Regen Lab kit users 2017 1. Landi S, Landa P, Russo S. Valutazione economica sull’utilizzo del plasma arricchito di piastrine vs acido ialuronico per...

Pastelle – rewriting Q-switched technology

Pastelle has set the new standard in Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser technology. With its outstanding results, modern design and reliable technology, the Pastelle is currently rewriting...

The next level in wound healing & recovery

Healite II is the new-generation led phototherapy system, delivering low levels of light to activate reparative cells and promote post-procedure wound healing. Wound therapy following...