POLYTECH implants are well known for their superior resistance and longevity of results and for Romanian plastic surgeon Dr Constantin Stan, reliable, stable implants are everything.

“As a practitioner of breast augmentations for more than 20 years on more than 3,000 patients – and after using all kinds of implants and surfaces – I have found the POLYTECH implant is of superior resistance,” says Dr Stan.

“I started using polyurethane (Microthane®) implants eight years ago, and have implanted more than 1,200 patients with them,” he continues. “In my opinion, this is the ideal implant; it is an implant that is very resistant long-term and reduces the occurrence of re-operation.”

JT Medical is the distributor of POLYTECH implants in Australia and New Zealand. Manufactured and packaged in Germany, POLYTECH micropolyurethane breast implants are known to produce beautiful, natural-looking results with a lower risk of complications.

“One of the most important features is the gel consistency, the gel cross-linking and the capacity of the implant to keep its shape, to resist the deformation forces and delamination from the shell. Long term, POLYTECH implants have the capacity to resist the body rejecting the implant. Rejection increases the risk of implant failure/rupture,” explains Dr Stan.

Minimised risks and complications

As with any surgery, implant- based breast augmentation has been associated with a number of risks and complications. Capsular contracture is the most common complication following breast implant surgery and is one of the most widespread reasons for reoperation. Therefore, it is of upmost important to select the correct implant to help reduce its incidence. Polyurethane-coated breast implants provide a highly structured outer surface and have been researched recently due to the reported associated low capsular contracture incidence rates.

The Vazquez study from Argentina confirms a 17 times lower complication rate with polyurethane-coated implants compared with conventional smooth and textured implants.

In extensive clinical studies, the capsular contracture rate for polyurethane-covered implants in virgin tissue is 0 to 9 percent compared with 9 to 50 percent for other implants. In most of the large studies, the capsular contracture rate for polyurethane implants is as low as 0 to 3 percent as depicted in larger clinical trials.

This is due to the morphological three-dimensional structure of the polyurethane coating that causes the collagen fibres to interweave and avoids their two-dimensional alignment.

When collagen fibres form around an ordinary implant, the orientation of these fibres can contract, making the implant hard and ball-like. This is not the case with polyurethane implants.

Further to this, an extensive long-term study conducted in the United States employing the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis confirms the significant reduction of the risk for capsular contracture with polyurethane-covered implants for up to 10 years after implantation. The statistics demonstrate that after eight years the capsular contracture rate with polyurethane implants is 15 percent lower compared with textured implants, and 30 percent lower compared with smooth implants.

“After using polyurethane-coated implants consistently in a wide variety of patients – small breasts, tuberous breasts, low constricted pole, ptotic breasts, secondary cases, reconstructive cases – I have never experienced such a high patient satisfaction rate as I have with the polyurethane implants,” reveals Dr Stan. “With other implants, 10 to 15% of my patients would have complications – be it rotation, asymmetry, palpability of the implants, late seroma or capsular contracture.”

Polytech Breast Implants: Superior results

There is a wide variety of implants available from POLYTECH, with a range of different textures and shapes to cater to a range of specific needs and concerns.

“I prefer anatomical implants as I feel they better control the breast shape. The majority of my patients coming for breast augmentation don’t simply want volume, they want better shape,” says Dr Stan.

The shell of POLYTECH implants consists of several layers of silicone. It is also equipped with a diffusion barrier, which is designed to prevent the gel from permeating through the shell into surrounding tissue.

The medical-grade silicone gel used to fill POLYTECH implants is form-stable and returns to its original shape after moderate mechanical impact. In terms of tactility and movement, it is designed to closely resemble the natural breast.

“Polyurethane implants have the ability to stand still without losing the fullness of the upper pole, which is fundamental as it keeps the upper fullness of the breast. This creates a more natural-looking result.”

Dr Stan stresses that experience is pivotal and a breast surgeon who uses surgical precision, advanced techniques and careful planning will achieve good results with POLYTECH implants.

“In this new era, we are looking to best practice which means knowing how to choose an implant properly, how to properly plan the surgery, how to properly prepare the pocket and how to perform the surgery in order to have immediate recovery and no pain,” explains Dr Stan.

“Learning how to use polyurethane-coated implants is very important. It’s like driving a Porsche or a racecar without having been trained how to drive it. You can’t follow your normal breast implant protocols – there is a learning curve.”

“Every single doctor must learn to do their version of the best job, obeying an algorithm to make the patient experience as outstanding as possible with less complications, more stability and more safety. The doctor is obliged to choose the right implant and surgical procedure for the individual patient, because in the end the purpose of our surgery is to make the patient’s life better.”

With POLYTECH implants, surgeons can now have greater confidence that over time their patients’ breasts will remain the way they have designed and sculpted them.

“For me, stability is everything. While we may not be able to control weakening breast tissue through ageing or pregnancy, we can be assured that a polyurethane implant will remain as strong and resilient as when it was first implanted,” Dr Stan concludes. AMP

POLYTECH breast implants are distributed in Australia by JT Medical. Call 1300 841 446 or visit www.jtmedical.com.au

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