In the past five years, Australia has witnessed a remarkable surge in cutting-edge technologies brought by BTL. From ground-breaking advancements in non-invasive body shaping and intimate wellness to innovative facial rejuvenation devices, the company expanded the range of clinic services, offering new possibilities for enhancing the beauty and wellbeing of patients.

We chat with 3 highly-esteemed physicians from the aesthetics field from Australia and New Zealand. These professionals share their insights on BTL’s contributions and transformative effects on the aesthetic industry and how the company’s products have impacted their clinics.

Dr Steven Liew
Dr Steven Liew (SL) Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Shape Clinic, Sydney, Australia
Dr Frank Lin
Dr Frank Lin (FL) Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Eastern Plastic Surgery, Melbourne, Australia
Dr Catherine Stone
Dr Catherine Stone (CS) Cosmetic Physician, The Face Place, Auckland, New Zealand

What led you to adopt the BTL technologies into your practice?

FL: I was initially fascinated by BTL because of the pioneering technology behind their devices, creating an innovative and entirely new paradigm for body and face treatments. The results we were seeing in scientific publications were really impressive, as was the clinical and business-related support that was provided.

CS: I really like how BTL looks for gaps in the market and then innovates. There is good research behind the technology and a wonderfully supportive team.

SL: I was initially drawn to BTL technology because of its use of HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology) to increase muscle tone in the abdomen and buttocks. After experiencing a lower back injury, I tried EMSCULPT NEO® on my buttocks – not for enhancement, but to improve the muscular tone of my left buttock. To my surprise, even my pilates instructor noticed a significant improvement in the activity of my gluteus maximus. This was my first exposure to the efficacy of BTL technology in enhancing muscular function.

Where do you see the biggest opportunity in your current BTL portfolio?

CS: I’m excited by both the EXION™ RF needling and the EMSELLA®, for different reasons.

EXIONâ„¢ is the first RF needling device we have trialled that gives great results with minimal pain and downtime. Other devices we trialled were extremely painful, but EXION’s AI can modulate the treatment so it’s almost painless…. and it fits beautifully into our ‘skin suite’ of treatments we offer.

EMSELLA® fits perfectly with the other intimate wellness treatments we offer men and women, allowing us to provide a comprehensive suite of treatments to assist our patients to have better sex lives, less pain and more pleasure, or reduce the embarrassment of leaky bladder.

FL: The biggest opportunity in our BTL portfolio is the EMSCULPT NEO® and EMSELLA®. These non-invasive devices offer impressive results with minimal downtime, making them a great choice for patients seeking non-surgical solutions in body treatments.

As a specialist plastic surgeon, having access to these advanced non-invasive technologies is invaluable. The devices play an important role in complementing surgical procedures and also provide an alternative treatment for patients who may not be ready to undertake more invasive procedures. When combined with surgery, particularly when used long- term, they offer a unique synergy that is difficult to achieve using any single modality.

Where do you see the biggest opportunity with EMFACE® as part of your portfolio of products?

SL: When I first heard about EMFACE® and its use of HIFES to target the elevator muscles of the forehead and mid-face, I was immediately interested. I was so eager to learn more that I attended the very first launch of EMFACE® in Los Angeles.

The science behind it resonated with my approach to facial aesthetics, so much so that I decided to purchase the machine on the spot. As the first to adopt EMFACE® outside of America, my entire practice quickly recognised its immense potential. After seeing the results from the first 10 patients, it was clear that this machine consistently produced noticeable outcomes.

Compared with other technologies in my office, EMFACE® has delivered the most consistent and impressive results. The results of EMFACE® are not only captured in photographs but are also noticeable to patients, leading to a very high satisfaction rate.

What do you think about the newest innovation, the EMFACE® Submentum applicator?

CS: We’re excited to be the first in New Zealand to have the new Submentum EMFACE® applicator – great for the saggy ‘double chin’ that so many people hate!

It addresses a really common concern and adds an extra boost to the standard cheek and forehead EMFACE® treatments we currently offer. I also really like that BTL brought out a smaller applicator to cater to all the different patient demographics – it shows they listen to their customers.

SL: BTL is an innovative company, always exploring new methods. A prime example is the EMFACE® Submental applicator.

The idea of stimulating the digastric muscle, a major muscle attached to the hyoid bone, is particularly forward-thinking. This muscle supports the floor of the mouth, which descends with age. By stimulating the digastric muscle, studies have shown improvements in the cervicomental angle. Combined with radiofrequency, this technique effectively reduces excess fat in the submental area.

Describe your practice and the position of BTL product in it. Did they create a new revenue stream for your practice?

FL: EMSCULPT NEO® is the top choice in our practice. My patients love it for its ability to tackle fat reduction and muscle building in just 30 minutes. Its convenience, effectiveness and minimal downtime make it a hit. With the Edge applicator, treating different body parts is easier than ever. Patients are even buying multiple packages to address all the different areas of concern. Overall, EMSCULPT NEO® is the go-to for comprehensive body sculpting and muscle toning in our clinic.

Incorporating the BTL devices has significantly diversified our revenue streams. They’ve generated considerable interest among our patient base, contributing to the growth and success of our clinic.

Their delegable nature and user-friendly design have been key factors in their success. My staff enjoy using them, which has enhanced patient satisfaction and loyalty.

The impressive return on investment from these devices has led me to equip both of my clinics with each of them to meet the high demand from our patients.

CS: Yes, we have had some people who wouldn’t necessarily have injectables who have decided to have EMFACE®. This is still building as we prepare for our latest addition of EMSELLA® and EXION™.

SL: I run a combined surgical and non-surgical practice in Sydney. Our non-surgical offerings include a full range of injectables, lasers and other lifting devices based on ultrasound technology.

EMFACE® is positioned as a standalone treatment for patients specifically interested in this technology. We also combine EMFACE® with other ultrasound- based facial tightening devices, which enhances the results significantly. Additionally, we use fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments to complement the overall non-surgical outcomes.

For surgical patients, EMFACE® serves as a maintenance tool post- facelift surgery. My protocol involves suggesting a series of EMFACE® treatments on a yearly basis to maintain the surgical results.

What are your thoughts on BTL’s consistent innovation to bring new approaches to the market?

FL: I find BTL’s consistent innovation in bringing new approaches to the market immensely important.

Their dedication to pushing the boundaries of non-invasive technology is evident in the continuous advancements they introduce. By staying at the forefront of innovation, BTL ensures practitioners like myself have access to cutting-edge treatments that deliver superior results to our patients.

Furthermore, BTL’s commitment to research and development underscores their dedication to efficacy and safety. With over 50 peer-reviewed publications* supporting HIFEM® technology and robust clinical data, BTL leads in non-invasive body shaping and sets the gold standard. This is crucial for me as a surgeon, as it allows me to confidently offer my patients the latest and most effective treatments available.

CS: I love that BTL is constantly looking at the market and developing new and innovative technologies for cosmetic medicine – it’s why we have so many of their machines!

Have you had any BTL treatments yourself? What was your personal experience?

CS: We carefully select which products/technology we will introduce into the clinic, and as part of our selection process we trial them against other similar technologies. So, yes, I’ve had EMFACE®, EMSELLA® and EXION™ treatments. I personally love the EMFACE®; it’s such a quick and easy 20-minute procedure, with no downtime so you can get straight back into normal life.

I also love it as a ‘Cinderella treatment’. It’s great to do the day of a big event to take advantage of the immediate changes in your face, as well as boosting the long- term impact.

EMSELLA® is also a favourite because it’s such a quick and simple way to boost the pelvic floor. I actually love the feeling of both EMFACE® and EMSELLA®. EXION™ was the least painful of all the RF machines we trialled thanks to the AI. Let’s just say that I’m a fan!

SL: Personally, I have undergone two sessions of EMFACE® and found it extremely effective for my midface and periorbital regions. It’s a treatment I plan to continue on a yearly basis.

FL: I’ve undergone the EMSCULPT NEO® treatments myself, and I am impressed with the experience and results. The procedure was comfortable, non-invasive and yielded noticeable results. It notably has also improved my core strength and posture, especially after long hours of operating, which further reinforced my confidence in its ability to deliver excellent results.

Treatment Results

Three months AFTER four EMFACE® treatments
Three months AFTER four EMFACE® treatments
AFTER four EMFACE® treatments
AFTER four EMFACE® treatments
Six months AFTER last EMSCULPT NEO® treatment
Six months AFTER last EMSCULPT NEO® treatment
Three months AFTER last EXIONTM treatment
Three months AFTER last EXION™ treatment
Six months AFTER last EXIONTM treatment
Six months AFTER last EXION™ treatment

For more information about BTL products, contact BTL Aesthetics on 0435 769 639, email or visit


We recommend following a healthy energy-controlled diet and physical activity. Always follow the directions for use. Patient results and patient experience may vary.

*Data on file.

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