Linda Jackson is an aboriginal artist based in Sydney. She painted the Picosure system, seen on the cover of print edition of Aesthetic Medical Practitioner, #1.
Linda Jackson’s passion for art was sparked at infancy. “I was basically born with a paintbrush in my hand,” Jackson says. “If it wasn’t a brush, it was a piece of chalk or a stick to draw in the sand. I paint landscapes, abstract art, indigenous art.”
Jackson was raised in an institution, away from her people, as a child of the Stolen Generation. She was born in Western Australia, but the death of her mother when she was two years old, and the absence of her father who was working, meant she grew up in a facility run by German nuns.
“It took me a long time to retrace my roots when I left that school, it was a difficult time – I did not know my people, I did not know who I was,” Jackson recalls. “But, looking back, if it wasn’t for the strictness and order of my upbringing, I would not be so resilient today.”

Jackson’s talent has been recognised across the country. From murals in St Vincent’s Hospital, to wall paintings in Melbourne’s Taxation Office, Jackson’s work can be seen in the most unsuspecting of places.
Today, Linda lives in Redfern, Sydney, surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great grand children. She works at the local women’s centre, teaching art to victims of domestic violence, and also with kids on welfare.
“I’m very happy and so proud of where I am and the people I have around me,” Linda says.
About the cover
The art on the PicoSure machine is a representation of of the Seven Sisters. According to legend, the sisters were banished from the Kimberley’s when they broke the law of the elders. The surrounding stars represent the Plaiades star constellation, which is named after the Seven Sisters. Linda says a shooting star signifies a child or grandchild trying to come back to Australia.
To contact Linda Jackson for commissioned art pieces, contact her on 0450 556 189