With the publication of the Next by Galderma industry report early this year revealing the latest aesthetic trends, we take a look at the direction treatment offerings may take in the near future.

The industry report reflects several transformative shifts in the beauty and wellness industry. These trends highlight personalisation, technological integration, holistic approaches, sustainability, and demographic diversification.


Tailored Treatments: There is a significant rise in the demand for personalised aesthetic treatments. Consumers seek procedures and skincare regimens customised to their unique needs, genetic profiles, and specific skin conditions. Scientific advances in dermatology enable more precise and effective interventions, enhancing overall satisfaction with aesthetic outcomes.

Bespoke Skincare: Personalised skincare products, which cater to individual skin types and concerns, are becoming increasingly popular. Brands are using data-driven insights to develop formulations that address specific needs, ensuring better results and customer loyalty.

Technological Integration:

AI and Machine Learning: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in aesthetic treatments is growing. AI-driven tools enhance diagnostic accuracy, recommend personalised treatment plans, and predict potential side effects, leading to better outcomes.

Non-Invasive Procedures: Innovations in non-invasive technologies such as laser treatments, radiofrequency therapies, and ultrasound-based interventions offer effective alternatives to traditional surgery. These procedures provide significant results with minimal downtime and lower risk.

Holistic Approaches:

Well-Ageing: The focus is shifting from merely addressing the signs of ageing to promoting overall skin health and wellness. Well-ageing emphasises preventive care and maintaining youthful, healthy skin through a combination of advanced treatments and lifestyle modifications.

Biostimulatory Agents: Treatments using collagen and elastin boosters are on the rise. These agents stimulate the skin’s natural regenerative processes, helping maintain a youthful appearance.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations:

Eco-Friendly Products: There is a growing preference for sustainable and cruelty-free aesthetic products. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and ethical impact of their choices, leading to a demand for eco-friendly formulations and ethical production practices.

Ethical Practices: Companies are responding by adopting sustainable ingredients and practices, aligning with the broader consumer movement towards environmental responsibility and ethical consumption.

Demographic Diversification:

Increased Male Participation: More men are seeking aesthetic treatments, driven by the desire for self-enhancement and confidence. This trend is reshaping the market and expanding the target demographic for many aesthetic products and services.

Youthful Appeal: Younger individuals are also increasingly interested in aesthetic procedures, influenced by social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. These platforms play a significant role in shaping beauty standards and driving demand for aesthetic enhancements among a younger audience.

With the report revealing the emerging aesthetics trends of 2024, and underscoring a transformative period in the aesthetic industry, characterised by a move towards the industry becoming more inclusive, with a broader demographic seeking aesthetic treatments. These trends reflect a shift towards more sophisticated, ethical, and individualised beauty solutions, catering to the evolving needs and values of modern patients. Thus, offering more effective and responsible options for beauty and wellness, ensuring that patients can achieve their aesthetic goals in a way that aligns with their personal values and lifestyle.

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