With the predominant reporting in the media and anecdotal evidence indicating harsher economic conditions, now is the time to look at how you can invest in your skills and clinic to ensure that your business weathers any upcoming turbulence.

Seminar series schedule

The Business of Beauty series will take place in September and October, featuring seminars in:

  • Sydney (28 September)
  • Melbourne (13 October)
  • Brisbane (26 October)

This series offers an unparalleled opportunity for professionals in the aesthetics industry to enhance their clinic offerings and elevate their business to new heights.

Why attend?

Unlock your potential with expert guidance

The Business of Beauty Seminar Series is tailored for forward-thinking aesthetics professionals aiming to enhance their clinic’s appeal and efficiency. Learn from industry veterans who have excelled in this competitive field and pioneered successful aesthetic business models. They will share their journeys, strategies, and insights, providing you with a distinct advantage in your quest for clinic success.

Learn how to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge treatments

Discover how to integrate new and innovative treatments into your clinic’s offerings. Attract new clients and retain existing ones by incorporating adjunct therapies that enhance your primary services and open additional revenue streams. These treatments are selected for their proven efficacy and popularity, giving your clinic a competitive edge.

Proven strategies for business growth

These half-day seminars delve into strategies for increasing profitability, attracting new clients, and retaining them long-term. Learn how to market your services effectively, optimise operations, and create a sustainable business model. These strategies, backed by real-world success stories, offer practical, actionable insights.

Achieve balance and generate passive income

Avoid the pitfall of becoming indispensable to your business. This can lead to burnout and limited growth. Learn to develop systems and processes that enable your business to run smoothly in your absence. Achieve a balance between your professional and personal life, ensuring your business generates passive income while you enjoy freedom to travel and pursue other interests. This approach enhances your quality of life and positions your clinic for long-term success and sale if you desire.

Exclusive networking opportunities

Conclude your learning experience with an exclusive networking cocktail party. Connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and potential collaborators in a relaxed setting. Networking is crucial for professional growth, and this event provides the perfect opportunity to forge valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and explore new business opportunities.


Strategic Practice Building: De-Risking and Expanding Your Aesthetic Business – Dr John Flynn

Having practiced in the field of cosmetic surgery and medicine for over 30 years, Dr Flynn will share his experience in practice building and developing multiple aspects of a practice to de-risk the economic basis of your business. You don’t want to be the sole earner in the practice. That’s not a sound business strategy.

Dr Flynn will also offer tips for investing in your business to broaden the scope of your practice, guiding you on identifying growth opportunities to build a more resilient, profitable practice that adapts to industry changes.

Brand Alchemy: Transforming Tough Times into Triumph – Nicole Dabeau

Let’s face it—everyone’s feeling the pinch these days. The economy’s tough, and the aesthetics market is more crowded than ever. But here’s the good news: your brand is the secret sauce that can turn things around. And no, I’m not just talking about a snazzy logo or a trendy color palette. Your brand is the vibe, the essence, the magic that makes your clinic stand out in the sea of sameness.

In “Brand Alchemy,” we’re going to have some fun exploring how to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. We’ll dig into what makes your clinic truly unique—whether it’s your killer treatment offerings, your one-of-a-kind aesthetic philosophy, or that warm, fuzzy feeling your clients get every time they walk through your doors.

This is all about building a brand that’s real, relatable, and unforgettable. Because when your brand speaks to the heart of your clients, you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving. So, let’s chat about how to mix up some brand magic and turn these tough times into your clinic’s time to shine!

Go Beyond Brilliant: Take your practice to the next level – Dr Eric Song

Dr. Eric Song will lead an insightful session focusing on how the science behind the Clear + Brilliant Touch system can maximise the results for your patients to improve loyalty.

He will also explore how combining treatment modalities enhances patient outcomes, offering a tailored approach for all skin types. He will discuss how Clear + Brilliant will fit in the continuum of care, how it combines with other therapies and finally, he will compare Pico technology with Fractional Clear + Brilliant laser, helping attendees understand when to use each for optimal results.

This session will provide valuable insights into how Clear + Brilliant Touch can elevate treatment outcomes through versatile, science-backed approaches.

Creating a results-driven business: Utilising cosmeceutical skin care and unique brand positioning to elevate your business – Ian Chinsee/Sarah Tranter

What is most important when deciding on which brand to partner with? The presentation will explore the key factors to consider when choosing a brand partner, including product quality, brand reputation, alignment with your practice’s values, and long-term partnership potential.

Bringing your team on the journey is key to success. With insights on how to engage, educate and bolster their enthusiasm and belief in the range to really make a difference.

It will also look at how unique branding and leveraging patients who rave about their clinical outcomes can combine to maximise your success.

See the Difference a Touch Can Make: the key to attract and retain clients – Deb Farnworth-Wood

Market Insights: How does Clear & Brilliant Touch work in the real world from a clinic owner’s perspective? Discuss the gap you see in the market and how this device can fill it.

Business Growth: Strategies to build and expand your business with this new device. Explore add-on opportunities with Clear & Brilliant Touch alongside existing treatments and how they complement each other.

Top Tips: Practical advice for integrating Clear & Brilliant Touch into your practice, including delegation and ease of use. Provide a safe protocol for other physicians in the clinics to follow.

Client Outcomes: Discuss the versatility of the device, its suitability for all skin types, ages, and genders. Highlight comprehensive client feedback, clinical outcomes, and satisfaction levels.

ROI: Examine the business impact and return on investment of adopting this technology.

Let the brand do the work: Partnering with a global powerhouse to improve practice profitability and clinical outcomes – Dr Sean Arendse

Brand recognition can attract new patients without you having to do the heavy lifting, Dr Arendse describes how aligning your clinic with well-known, trusted brands can naturally draw new and retain current patients reducing the need for extensive marketing efforts.

But not matter how recognisable, the treatment must deliver. The presentation will emphasise the importance of choosing treatments that consistently deliver results. It will cover key criteria for selecting effective treatments, share personal insights into what has worked successfully, and discuss how reliable outcomes build patient trust and loyalty.

Dr Arendse will explore the benefits of combining complementary treatments to achieve superior results, discussing strategies for creating treatment plans that address multiple patient concerns, enhancing overall satisfaction and encouraging repeat visits. Combining treatments not only elevates patient outcomes but also positions your clinic as a comprehensive solution provider.

Boost Your Bottom Line: How Companion Sales and Adjunct Therapies Drive Business Growth – Ricky Allen

This session will explore how integrating companion sales and adjunct therapies can significantly boost your bottom line. Learn strategies to effectively bundle services and products, enhance client satisfaction, and increase revenue streams.

With many years experience in consulting on this topic, Ricky Allen will reveal real-world examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these practices, discuss the benefits of cross-selling and upselling, and provide actionable tips to maximise your profits.

Whether you have an aesthetic medicine clinic or beauty spa, this presentation will offer valuable insights to drive your business growth.

Exclusive Networking Cocktail Party

To complement the rich learning experience and to celebrate the launch of Clear + Brilliant Touch Laser, the seminar concludes with an exclusive networking cocktail party. This event provides a relaxed setting for you to connect with fellow professionals, industry leaders, and potential collaborators allowing delegates the perfect opportunity to forge valuable relationships, exchange ideas, and explore new business opportunities.


The Business of Beauty faculty represents practitioners, marketing experts, entrepreneurs and business strategists who collectively have over a century of knowledge in running successful business in the aesthetic field.

Dr. Sean Arendse

Dr. Sean Arendse is the founder of Flawless Rejuvenation Skin Clinic and Flawless Hair Restoration. He serves on the board of the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australia and is a national trainer and speaker for aesthetic medical products and devices. Dr. Arendse is also a Senior Emergency Physician at a Melbourne hospital and is known for his detailed facial assessments and natural aesthetic approach.

Dr Sean Arendse
Dr Sean Arendse

Dr. Ian Chinsee

Dr. Ian Chinsee, a Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (ACCSM), graduated from UCLA and the University of Queensland. He specialises in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments for the breast and face. Dr. Chinsee is involved in research to advance cellular medicine in aesthetics and trains other practitioners in cosmetic surgery and injectables.

Dr Ian Chinsee
Dr Ian Chinsee

Dr. John Flynn

Dr. John Flynn, with over 20 years of experience, is the founder and medical director of Cosmedic and Skin Clinic on the Gold Coast. A Foundation Fellow and past-President of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine, he is a sought-after presenter and trainer known for his advanced concepts in facial aesthetics.

Dr John Flynn
Dr John Flynn

Dr. Eric Song

Dr. Eric Song is a consultant pathologist with a strong research background in photobiology, cutaneous malignancies, and vitamin D. He specialises in dermatopathology and advocates for safe and effective use of medical technologies like lasers. Dr. Song has been the director of Reskin Medical since 2007, providing reliable skin-related services.

Dr Eric Song
Dr Eric Song

Dr. Sarah Tranter

Dr. Sarah Tranter, a cosmetic physician, graduated from Imperial College London and holds a Masters in Clinical Dermatology. She specialises in cosmetic injectables and advanced dermal treatments. Dr. Tranter is known for her attention to detail and natural results and is passionate about education and sharing her knowledge in aesthetics.

Dr Sarah Tranter
Dr Sarah Tranter

Ricky Allen

Ricky Allen, with qualifications in nursing, psychology, and beauty therapy, runs training courses through her company, Aesthetic Reconstructions. She consults in marketing and provides advanced treatment courses for doctors, nurses, and beauty therapists. Ricky is a well-respected figure in the aesthetics industry.

Ricky Allen
Ricky Allen

Nicole Dabeau

Nicole Dabeau, an innovative marketer, was instrumental in establishing the brand and community for Fresh Clinics. She now leads Mental Creative, a consultancy focused on brand development and marketing. Nicole is dedicated to destigmatising mental health and empowering businesses.

Deb Farnworth-Wood

Deb Farnworth-Wood, founder of the international medi-aesthetic franchise Australian Skin Clinics, built a $70 million business from 2007 to 2019. She launched the franchise in 2011 and grew it to 60 clinics across Australia and New Zealand. Deb has won multiple awards for her entrepreneurial achievements.

Deb Farnworth-Wood

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your approach to adjunct services and ensure sustainable growth and profitability. Join The Business of Beauty in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane and take your business to the next level.

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